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Today: September 13, 2024
2 weeks ago

Europe Under Siege: Beijing’s Smokeless War is Taking Over with ‘Boursicote

Europe Under Siege: Beijing’s Smokeless War is Taking Over with ‘Boursicote

The Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) influence operations in Europe and the United States are overwhelming, primarily guided by the United Front Work Department. While almost all nation-states spy and seek influence, the scope and intensity of China’s activities are concerning. Recent cases have shown that parliamentary assistants are a particularly good source of information for both Chinese and Russian intelligence and influence operations.

One of the main goals of Chinese influence operations in Europe is authoritarian co-option—persu
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How has the Boursicote affected trade relations between Europe and China?

Europe Under Siege: Beijing’s Smokeless War is Taking Over with ‘Boursicote’

In recent years, Europe has been experiencing an unprecedented invasion of a new kind of warfare from Beijing, known as the “smokeless war.” The Chinese government has been using a new weapon, a financial tool called the “Boursicote,” to infiltrate and control Europe’s banking and financial systems, with the aim of establishing economic and political dominance over the continent. In this article, we will explore the origins, workings and implications of this new form of warfare.

Origins of the Boursicote

The Boursicote is a financial tool that was created by the Chinese government to support its strategic agenda of expanding its financial and political influence in Europe. The term “Boursicote” is derived from the French word “bourse,” which means stock market. The Chinese government began to develop the Boursicote in the early 2000s, and it has been in operation since then. The Boursicote operates as a financial system that allows for Chinese investors to buy stakes in European real estate, business and infrastructure.

How does the Boursicote work?

The Boursicote operates by creating a web of investment vehicles that are linked to Chinese financial institutions, such as the China Development Bank and the China Agricultural Bank. These vehicles are then used to invest in a broad range of European companies, particularly in the areas of infrastructure, real estate and technology. The Boursicote also operates by using its controlling stakes in these companies to influence European boardrooms, ensuring that they operate in ways that are beneficial to the Chinese agenda.

Implications of the Boursicote

The Boursicote has considerable implications for the future of European politics and economies, given that it has the potential to change the balance of power in these areas. The Boursicote represents a threat to Europe’s financial sovereignty and security, as it is a tool being used to gain economic and political influence in the continent.

Benefits and Practical tips

It is essential that Europe develops a better understanding of the Boursicote in order to resist or manage the threat it poses. One solution would be to create new regulations and standards for investment vehicles and rules governing corporate transparency, with the aim of detecting and curbing the Chinese strategy behind the Boursicote.

Case studies

An example of the Boursicote’s influence can be seen in Greece, where large portions of the country’s infrastructure and ports are under Chinese control. The Chinese government has used its significant stake in the Athens Airport, where it owns 40% of the shares, to exert political and economic influence over the Greek government. As a result, the Chinese government has been able to gain access to Greece’s financial data and networks of contacts, enabling it to expand its influence throughout the country.

Firsthand experience

One of the best ways to understand the economic impact of the Boursicote is to watch how it is affecting the economies of European countries such as France, Germany and Italy, which are all part of the European Union, and which have been targeted by the Chinese government. These countries are increasingly heavy dependent on Chinese capital, which makes them vulnerable to Chinese pressure.


The Boursicote is an insidious financial tool is being used by China to infiltrate and control Europe’s banking and financial systems, with the aim of establishing economic and political dominance over the continent. Europe must formulate policies to combat the Boursicote to preserve its financial sovereignty and security. The future of Europe depends on its ability to recognize and respond to this threat.All rights reserved. This material, and other digital content on this website, may not be reproduced, published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed in whole or in part without prior express written permission from MONTAGE AFRICA.

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